Publish with us

Be a part of ever-growing peer-reviewed content with our infrastructure and expertise of publishing academic content with our global content partnerships. Be it an edited book or a non-edited academic book, we encourage you to submit your proposal for an evaluation and possible selection for its publishing with us.

Making Peer Reviewed Content Read Worldwide.

Our published books are indexed and available in leading academic databases and are available worldwide through our 200+ international content partnerships.

There are no costs/fees involved in publishing an academic book with us. Similarly, there is no publication fee for chapter publishing in an edited book. The submitted book proposals and manuscripts are subject to peer review. In the case of edited books, the chapters are peer-reviewed by reviewers engaged by the volume editors.

All books (edited/non-edited) are subject to our Statement on Publication Ethics, Editorial Integrity & Misconduct and Policy on the use of generative AI tools and technologies in academic writing

A. Authored Book Proposals (Non-edited)

Authors may propose a book title to our content evaluation team for a possible selection. For making a book proposal, the authors need to send us a book outline/abstract mentioning:

1. the book title, subject domain,
2. authorship details with affiliation,
3. target audience,
4. justification how & why the readers would find the book (if published) as a valuable reading,
5. length of the book,
6. time frame within which the full-text will finally be available for a review
7. and any other information which is worth to be notified to us pertaining to that proposal.

While submitting a book proposal, the authors need to refer and adhere to our editorial policies, which are re-produced herein below for the ready reference of the authors.

How a proposal is selected?

Once our editorial office receives a proposal, the same is assigned to a content evaluation team for a word on the proposal’s suitability for our content inventory. We engage external subject experts to evaluate book proposals submitted to us. If found suitable, we convey our decision to the author to complete follow-on formalities, i.e. signing authorship-cum-publishing agreement (provisional), copyright declarations, provision of full-text content, review timeline, etc. Once the full-text is reviewed and accepted for its publication, the signed provisional authorship-cum-publishing agreement becomes final and operative. And, the book’s technical editing and publishing is undertaken by us.

Also read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Authors

B. Edited Book Proposals

If an editor wants to bring & publish an edited book with us, the editor may propose such an edited proposal to our editorial office for a review. If accepted, the editor is invited to complete the formalities to bring, edit and publish the book proposal. Our editorial policies will remain applied to the contributing authors of the edited book. The proposals and invited chapters should be in English. The proposing editors invite chapters to the edited book and engage peer-reviewers to review the chapters and accept the quality contributions for the volume, complying with our content policies.

Publish an Edited Book/Volume

If you want to publish an edited volume with us as an editor, you’re invited to submit your edited proposal.
Submit edited book proposal

Want to publish a chapter in our edited volumes?

You can check the edited volumes that are currently accepting chapter contributions.

see Available CFPs

Content Re-use Permissions to CSMFL Authors & Editors

When an author publishes with CSMFL Publications, they retain their right to use their work for scholarly and teaching purposes. Also, read more on Content Permissions to Authors & Editors .

Statement on Publication Ethics, Editorial Integrity & Misconduct

As a traditional academic book publisher, we follow widely recognized best practices in academic publishing around the globe. We maintain scholarly integrity as the guiding principle for all our publishing decisions.

We are committed to publishing without being swayed by individuals, institutions, political influences, or any unethical financial incentives. Each title we publish must meet specific and established selection criteria. Our goal is to provide an exceptional reading experience by curating only high-quality content and excluding anything that does not meet our title selection standards.

Every book proposal needs to undergo for an evaluation by our Title Evaluation Team before an acceptance for publishing with us. We have an invested confidence by our readers, content vendors, institutional content partners, and subscribing libraries that our Title Evaluation Team always aspires to uphold without any exception.

We prohibit the scholarly misconduct by any of our published or to-be published authors, reviewers and editors (‘in-house’ as well as invited). We require all of them to abide our code of professional conduct and forward their assistance to maintain a scholarly discipline and professional work-flow in all our work processes.

Additionally, we voluntarily follow the best practices of publication ethics proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and require our editors and reviewers (both in-house & guest), and publishing staff to adhere to COPE recommended Guidance for editors: research, audit, and service evaluations and Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers .

Policy on the use of generative AI tools and technologies in academic writing

Using AI and AI-assisted tools and technologies solely for creating content is strictly prohibited. The authors can use AI tools and technologies only for improving the readability and language of their writings. No use of AI is allowed for creating or editing graphical content like figures, images and other artwork.

When AI tools or technologies are used for improving the language and readability of the written work, the same should be declared by the authors which will be included in the published version to ensure transparency and editorial integrity in the publication of those works.

The authors cannot include any AI tool or technology as co-author. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the written work and must ensure that the written work doesn’t infringe upon the rights of others. Also, read AI-Generated Content, Humanized AI Content, and Scientific Writing

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