General Policies

Our policies include polcies for content vendors & institutional partners, code of ethics for our staff & editors, and guidelines for authors.

Policies for Content Vendors and Libraries

The content vendors and other content syndication partner can write us about the key information about how do we offer our content for its further lending and sales.

The libraries can further reach to us mentioning about subscribing to our ever-increasing content inventory for their library resources. A customized offer can be request by libraries by writing to us.

Also read FAQs for Content Vendors | FAQs for Libraries

Code of Ethics for Staff & Editors

Our staff is required to uphold and adhere to the code of ethics and code of general business. The behaviour of staff is governed and regulated by the internal rules of business. Unbiased, ethical and responsible conduct of the affairs of our business is the all time high priority of ours.

Our editors need to comply with our internal code of conduct and are expected to excercise due care and uphold ethical behaviour while taking up any assignment of book editing. Our editors are required to follow unbiasness, independence and ethical correct norms while working for us. Additionally, the editors are required to follow our policies on publication ethics besides general code of conduct for our staff.

Editorial Guidelines & Policies for Authors

Here are our policies for the authors who want to submit their book proposals for an evaluation & review.

Also read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Authors

Copyright Policy
Our authors are expected to strictly comply with the prevailing copyright laws in respect of the works they intend to publish with us. The copyright and other intellectual rights in respect of the books or other works published by us belong to and remain vested in the authors’ favour. No part of the published works be reproduced without the express and written permission of the authors as well as the publishers (the CSMFL Publications).

Also read Content reuse and permissions section

Institutional policy on publication ethics & misconduct
As a traditional academic books publisher, the CSMFL Publications relies on the generally accepted best practices on academic publishing worldwide. We uphold the scholarly discipline as the desired set for determining any publishing avenue.

We adhere to publish without getting influenced by any person, institution, polity or any unjust-monetary reward. Every title we publish has to undergo a pre-determined and specified selection criteria. We do our best to render a best reading experience by curating only quality content and excluding all others following our title selection criteria.

We require our title evaluation team to be extra cautious while considering to recommend an acceptance to any title for publishing with us. We have an invested confidence by our readers, content vendors, our institutional content partners, subscribing liberaries which we always aspire to uphold without any exception.

We prohibit the scholarly misconduct by any of our published or to-be published author, reviewers and editors ('in-house' as well as invited). We require all of them to abide our code of professional conduct and forward their assistance to maintain a scholarly discipline and professional work-flow in all our work processes.

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